This first picture symbolizes to me, everything that matters to me and everything that inspires me to become a better person. Tupac is one of the type of music I like but it's not just the music that he brought to this world, it's the meaning that he was trying to get out there; that life is hard but you always have to find a way to make it better, deal with it and many more. Also he give out an example and lets other people know that he had it tough, real tough but that did not stop him, he dealt with it and made something out of himself. So does Selena Quintanilla, she is an inspiration but not just to me, to the whole Mexican culture. Selena accomplished a lot of goals and made wonderful music. As well as Tupac she inspired me along with many other people. My mom has taught me so many things that I wouldn't even know where to start. Besides the fact that she is the reason why I am here, she is a part of me and impacts me in so many ways. The other people are also my family and those are the ones that impacted me the most in the best way possible. Also the picture of me is a one where I am wearing make-up because I am insecure and I have low self-esteem and even though I'm working on it, it still is part of me as a person because my close friends know and that's how they view me Lastly I have a picture of the sky because I believe in a God and in heaven, that is a part of me and forever and always. That is one way that people see me as a music person, who loves her family and dog, and believes in god.
The middle picture is a pic is the way I view myself. I was born in the USA but my parents are from Mexico. That is my culture and I see myself as a proud-to-be Latina. I also added a heart because I believe that I have a good heart inside and it drives me to care about people too much even if they don't know it.
Last picture is another way that people view because I have heard a lot from a lot of people that I look like a mean person until they get to know me. I put a picture of me choking my friend because I also seem crazy; in the best way possible.
Question 31: I would like to improve on my self esteem
Question 8: It can say part of a story; it's part of my story.
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